Aug 11, 2023
State Theatre (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Tour Rarity Rank: 8th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Boat
14 of 19
37 of 59
2. Salt Water
13 of 18
17 of 24
3. Eyes Closed
19 of 24
52 of 83
4. Life Goes On
13 of 18
17 of 24
5. Dusty
11 of 16
11 of 16
6. End of Youth
13 of 18
32 of 45
7. Colourblind
12 of 17
13 of 18
8. Curtains
11 of 16
20 of 26
9. Borderline
11 of 16
114 of 119
10. Spark
11 of 16
12 of 17
11. Vega
11 of 16
11 of 16
12. Sycamore
13 of 18
15 of 22
13. No Strings
13 of 18
15 of 21
14. The Hills of Aberfeldy
13 of 18
15 of 22
15. Shivers
19 of 24
152 of 187
16. Thinking Out Loud
280 of 285
599 of 635
17. Perfect
277 of 282
429 of 466
18. Bloodstream
278 of 283
577 of 612
19. Shape of You
282 of 287
440 of 476
20. Bad Habits
19 of 24
153 of 190
21. The A TeamEncore
343 of 345
796 of 824
22. Head > HeelsEncore
3 of 8
3 of 13
23. BlueEncore
2 of 7
3 of 11
24. MagicalEncore
3 of 7
3 of 13
25. The Parting GlassEncoreCover
69 of 74
112 of 124
26. AfterglowEncore
17 of 22
114 of 145