Apr 20, 2022
Vicar Street (Dublin, Dublin)
Tour Rarity Rank: 4th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Flying Without WingsTour DebutSong Debut
1 of 1
1 of 1
2. 2step
9 of 9
15 of 72
3. Afterglow
10 of 10
13 of 145
4. Tenerife Sea
7 of 7
276 of 301
5. First Times
6 of 6
15 of 25
6. The A Team
7 of 7
689 of 824
7. Bad Habits
10 of 10
43 of 190
8. Shivers
10 of 10
40 of 187
9. Castle on the Hill
10 of 10
316 of 445